Published On :  
May 8, 2024
Expanding Access to PR (subclass 186/187) for Subclass 482/457 visa holder (both stream) through TRT Stream

Expanding Access to PR (subclass 186/187) for Subclass 482/457 visa holder (both stream) through TRT Stream

Expanding Access to PR (subclass186/187) for Subclass 482/457 visa holder (both stream) through TRT Stream

As announced earlier this year that subclass 482 & 457 visa holders from short term stream will also have access to Permanent residency through the TRT stream of the Subclass 186 and Subclass 187 visas. From 24 November 2023 this wonderful opportunity become reality for all visa holders of Subclass 482 and Subclass 457 visas, regardless of the stream in which their visa is held.

Before 25 November 2023, only holders of a Subclass 482 visa in the Medium-term stream would have access to the Permanent residency visa Subclass 186 or 187 visas through Temporary Residence Transition streams (TRT). However, from 25 November 2023, Short-term stream Subclass 482visa holders and Subclass 457 visa holders also have access to the Permanent residency visa Subclass 186 or 187 visas through Temporary Residence Transition stream (TRT).

Work experience requirements reduced to2 years:

The requirement to have held Subclass 457or Subclass 482 visa to satisfy TRT stream nomination requirements also reduced to 2 years (not including any periods of unpaid leave) during the preceding 3years before the nomination application. Previously required to have held their visa for at least 3 years out of the 4 years immediately before a nomination application was made.

Nominated occupation Requirements:

Applicants nominated occupation for the TRT stream must be in the same ANZSCO unit group code which was based for granting the Subclass 482 or Subclass 457 visa.

While the MLTSSL and ROL will continue to underpin other skilled visa programs, and the MLTSSL will continue to be in place for the Direct Entry stream of the Subclass 186 visa, it is no longer a requirement for nomination applications which relate to a visa in the TRT stream for the nominated occupation to be specified on any list. This means temporary skilled workers will continue to have a pathway to permanent residence even if their occupation is removed from an occupation list.

No Limitation of Onshore Subclass 482application:

The limits of the number of Short-term stream Subclass 482 visa applications that could be made from within Australia also lifted. This means if the applicant wants to apply their 3rd 4thor 5th Short-term stream Subclass 482 visa applications while in Australia, now they can do so without leaving Australia.  Previously 2 application limits applied for the Short-term stream that could be made in Australia, meaning that additional applications were only possible by departing Australia and applying while offshore. Similar restrictions were not in place for Medium-term stream or Labour Agreement stream Subclass 482 visa holders.


Also read: Ending the COVID-19Concession Period

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